Tuesday, June 27, 2017: We arrived in Puerto Lopez this afternoon, turning off the main road just north of town. As we headed toward the sea, we passed two houses, notable for their pretty red tile roofs. More about those later....

Our lodging for the next three nights was at a quaint little double row of casitas made of bamboo, and was just delightful.
Inside, the high lofted ceilings of bamboo were amazing. And the birds awakening us in the mornings, sitting on their perches in the peaks of our roof (covered by screen only), was a peaceful way to wake up.

The next day, we took a short tour around town with a local real estate agent... and guess where he took us? The street near the beach where we saw those neat houses coming into town.
We then went to the local artesenal chocolate maker...oh my goodness, heaven!

While devouring this amazing brownie, Doug continually brought different packets of chocolate - 100% pure cacao, cacao nibs, powders, and on and on - trying to tempt me, which he did!
We ended up with a solid hunk of 100% Ecuadorian cacao, and a finely ground cacao which we'll mix with our coffee when we brew it...

That night we had decided to take the multiple suggestions we'd had to dine at Bellitalia Restaurant in Puerto Lopez. We met the realtor and his son there, and had a wonderful dinner of handmade pasta with a beautiful Chilean wine!
The owner of the restaurant and his lovely wife were both terrific.... what a pleasant evening.

So the next day, the realtor took us back to see the single story house beside the two-story one still under construction.
And while it is on a small lot (not nearly as much land Doug would like) there is an empty lot next door - and the house is brand new, ready to move into.

Lots of room to make a great kitchen - and granite countertop already there.
Beautifully done inside - nice and open - and about 2 blocks from the beach

Recently completed, the malecon runs all along the oceanfront of the town of Puerto Lopez. It's a beautiful beach, lined with shops and restaurants on one side of the street, and beach huts serving food and all kinds of drinks on the beach side.
One of our favorite places on the malecon is Restaurante Carmita. Not only is the food terrific, but Carmita herself will come and sit and talk... very lovely lady and very welcoming!

Our last time there, we were lucky enough to be serenaded by two strolling musicians! What a delight!
On Friday afternoon, it is unfortunately time to head south to Salango - so we say "nos vemos" to our new good friend, Luis, who manages the casitas where we stayed. See you soon, my friend.